Looking for developers for a auto theft game

Read all information provided within this thread before applying / commenting. If you ask something that is already stated here, your comment will be ignored unless it adds onto it.

Hi, my name is Yeita and I am leading a new project with my partner in crime/or development? lol, @ProgrammerA10.

@ProgrammerA10 and I's roles.

@Yeita (me) - Lead Developer (of everything)

@ProgrammerA10 - Lead Programmer (just incase we hire anyone else as
a programmer, he’s the lead).

Who we're hiring

We’re currently hiring 2 positions:

3D Modeler - Looking to find someone who can do 3D Models in Blender for cars &
other assets.

UI Designer - Looking for someone to make ALL the UI for the game, including
per update.


Payment is ONLY percentage based

3D Modeler - 15% + Up front payment every update that the 3D Modeler has to do work with AFTER release. (negotiable)

UI Designer - 10% + Up front payment every update that the UI designer has to do work with AFTER release. (negotiable)


Game based around stealing vehicles. You can steal vehicles off the streets or from other criminals, and or from police, you then mod them, change the license plate and resell them for a profit.

More details if your application is accepted.

Contact me via discord (Yeita#2019), Twitter (@ryeita) or via DevForum DM’s.

Please be ready to provide AT LEAST 4 pieces of work.

I am aware this is really brief and aswell payment might be a bit low but it’s negotiable! As for the brief details of what the game is, Its 1am and I’m tired but wanted to get this out so I’ll update it later. Feel free to comment and I’ll get back asap


3D modeler will be making cars,Then @GuestCapone is the guy to contact.

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Thanks for the suggestion! :slight_smile:

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No Problem all ways glad to give you some help.

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Might wanna open up your DMs.

On Twitter? Fixed

On discord.

I don’t know why I have to say this but if you just add me on Discord from this post and waste my time, I WILL block you.

I would like to be 3D Modeler, but I am not really experienced with modeling cars or other vehicles… Maybe something else?

Feel free to still apply!

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I do want to apply! :grinning:

Here is my work!


Agreed. @GuestCapone has made me lovely cars.


I am Epic Gamer Soviet#4455 on discord. I sent a friend request.

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