Looking for experienced builders and Modellers!

Immortal Blades RP

About Us

Hey, It’s me Raidriar. I’ve recently started a new project called Immortal Blades, a PVP oriented RP where players can explore a castle, buy new armors and weapons, and rank up in the associated group. The shops to purchase items are already completed, and the combat/weapons are nearly done too.

The Team
@Raidrias - Lead Developer/Scripter
@MadDesign - Minor Scripter
@hiring - Armor Modeller
@hiring - Weapon Modeller
@Drakolian - Map Builder
@hiring - Secondary Map Builder

You can see our progress so far here: Immortal Testing - Roblox

About The Job

Right now I am in need of a very experienced and detailed builder to work on 5 armor sets and a set of weapons for players to buy.

The Map


Currently Drakolian is working on the map. The google doc above shows what my desired end-product to look like.

The Armor



Payment is to be discussed in DMs, and varies depending on what you will be making. Map builders will receive 25% revenue, minor scripter earns 10% revenue, Modellers receive 20% revenue.

Contact Us

You can contact me here on Devforum or on discord at Raid#7008

I look forward to working with you!


It is low poly with Roblox Materials, am I correct?

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For the building, it’s high detail with roblox materials. Look in the “Immortal Blades Map” document for reference

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