Looking for experienced developers for my upcoming game

Job Recruitment - TV SHOW MAGIC

About Me

Hey there, I’m Lucas and im currently looking to hire experienced developers to assist me with my new game.

The Team

@LucasNew002 - Builder of the map
Searching for a scripter
Searching for a builder for some buildings

About The Job

Im looking for a experienced scripter and intermediate builder to work on a game. The game im developing its based on a very popular Tv Show, the genre of the game will be a roleplay and fighting, for the second one I will need a scripter experienced on witchcraft and visual effects like that because a lot of characters will be magicians. I will need too a intermediate builder like I said before, that can build realistic buildings similar from the Tv Show!


Payment will be discussed with you through discord.

Contact Me

You can contact me on my discord. LucasV#7676

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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