Looking for Feedback! | Fantasy Building

Hello! It’s LowsDev :smiley:
So, a few days ago I posted (one of) my first buildings I’ve modeled with Blender! Well, I listened to all the comments helping me out, and this is what I’ve come up with!

  1. What stands out to you most, and why?
  2. What would you change?
  3. What don’t you like about it, and why?



Dang dude you really improved like by alot, great work!


It definetely looks good. I would suggest watching a few youtube tutorials as well to get a better feel for blender. Other than that, great job!

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Oh, I actually have been using Blender for over a year. I just barely got started with buildings!

I really love how it looks in the after but maybe adding some other little designs like a flower pot or other little detail onto the building, but otherwise looks really good, keep it up!

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