Looking for feedback for a demo/proof of concept of a obby game

Hello devforum!

So, I have been workin pretty hard on a game, and a while ago I made a demo, didn’t really do much with it but here it is

The game is meant to be a mix of JToH/KToH with a breath of fresh mechanics like wallrunning and dashing.

PLEASE NOT THAT THE WALL RUN ANIMATION IS SCUFFED, I spent like, 5 minutes on it just to get wallrunning working. The game is very bug ridden, but I am more or so looking for feedback on general gameplay.

Just looking for general feedback on game mechanics :slight_smile:

The finished version will have much more content btw

Edit - Blissful Beginnings is the tutorial


I like it, just had a few problems. Pressing “e” to dash is noticeably delayed. Blissful beginnings was pretty hard for me, especially this part, I always fall off the other side. I think it should be a bit easier as it’s meant to be the tutorial.



Yes the delay is intended, and in the current version has a indicator when your DASH recharges

As for that jump, I agree. I will definitely be nerfing that jump!
Thanks for the feedback!


The wall running is good. The delayed dash is not. When a player pushes a button, they want to get feedback immediately, otherwise it feels laggy and unresponsive. The stages may be too difficult for most people. If your game is specifically aimed at hardcore obby enthusiasts, then that’s ok. Otherwise, you may want to rethink what to do with these levels.