Looking for feedback on a block coding learning game

I’m currently working on a game that, as the title says, lets you learn to code visually using blocks as commands. The goal is to give the player a basic understanding of coding in any programming language.



I only have the basics of the game done so far. I want to add more features like coding challenges (maybe something like move the dummy to a certain area), more blocks, and an area to see the luau code generated from the blocks.

Do you think this is a good game idea? If not, why? I’m also open to any suggestions, so please give me any that you have.


It’s a good game idea, but I’m not sure people would actually invest their time inside the experience. There are plenty of tutorials and documentation for most (if not all) programming languages. The chances of someone creating a Roblox account and playing your game to learn a programming language is not big.


I assume you’d have to “import” other programming languages in order to achieve this, and I don’t think it will be easy to make.

Ok this idea is really good, but I think you should pretty much focus on Lua/Luau, because if someone has a Roblox account they are probably not gonna mind about C++ etc., but your idea is really good, I would play it

Oh ok there’s no problem

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This game just intends to teach the basic fundamentals and gives a basic concept of programming.

That’s true, but my goal isn’t for people to make an account just to play this game, and like I said, it only teaches the basic fundamentals.

I probably should’ve worded that better, so I’m gonna edit it. What I meant was it gives you a basic understanding of coding for all programming languages, because they all have the same concepts (control statements, math, functions, etc.). But thanks for the feedback.

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I like your game idea but…

This will sound a bit rude and I don’t know how to phrase it any better but there are already many Youtube Tutorials and official Roblox tutorials on the basics of programming. A game made just to teach people the same things would be kind of useless.

My suggestion is that you combine this game idea with another game idea. Take Minecraft: Education Edition as an example. It’s basically Minecraft but students can put blocks of code together to do things.

A game you could make could be a puzzle game, where you have to complete a script or code something to go somewhere or do something in order to move on to the next level. Something like that will make the game fun, while players also get to learn some things :slight_smile:

You could also make an obby sort of similar to math obbies but obbies are overrated in my opinion… :unamused:

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

I have an idea, maybe you will have to create code to complete an obby, for example changing the JumpForce for trampolines or something like that and maybe add a story, everybody likes stories, (ex. You need to complete obstacles made by Glitch, the antagonist and then eliminate him) as @incognitobot_rblx said

I think that obbies are mostly under-rated, (probably because of all of those games like “obby obby obby obby obby obby etc.” Kind of games) but I think that if you are able to make them in the right way they can be interesting also (I think one way to do this would be by mixing them with some other kind of game)

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I can see where you’re coming from, but the goal of my game is for the learning to be more hands on.

That was one of the ideas I had planned, but thanks!

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Those are some cool ideas. I’ll definitely consider them, thank you!

You’re welcome there’s no problem, if you need my help I’m here!