Looking For Feedback on a Minimalist Showcase I Made

I’m aiming for a realistic style, and was wondering how to make the environment feel more alive, it feels like it’s missing something. Also, I’m looking for ways I could make the house more interactive. Any feedback is appreciated. Calm Minimalism - Roblox


It feels very plain now, you can make your rooms bigger and taller, add windows frames, matching furniture with pbr textures and more pbr textures in your build construction


I like the showcase but it feels plain a little bit. I’m also wondering what’s impacting my performance so much that I have 7 FPS

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I get that its supposed to be minimalistic, but I think it could really use some detail. Also, the rooms are uncomfortably small.

(Excuse my avatar, i have changed it a while ago but the devforum still thinks its as it is right now)

Log out and log back in, it will change when you enter your profile

Yeah, I see what you mean. I might add some bookshelves, pictures, ect around the place and adjust the FOV to make the rooms seem larger.

there’s just something missing that I can’t put my finger on. Also, the performance issues/lag is probably due to the incredibly large pond or the tree physics. Generally, the lag makes me feel like the game should have better graphics. photorealism - Roblox looks incredible, and while playing it, I maintain 60 FPS without any frame drops. While playing your showcase, I’m certain my FPS drops to around 30, if not lower.

Yeah, annoyingly I didn’t have the chance to optimize since my PC has been having issues that reduces any game to low FPS, plus seems like the gravel and the grass cause the low FPS. Also I know exactly what you mean about something missing, I’m gonna mess around with the decor to see what I can do.