Hi there, I’ve been spending the last few weeks creating a steampunk oriented showcase with the showcase itself currently around 80% complete. It’s an overgrown and abandoned transit hub, and I was wondering if anyone would have some ways to add/improve the current build, the more feedback the better, as this showcase is intended to be as high quality as possible (It is intended for EBR, Elite Builders Of Robloxia). Here are some screenshots of the current build:
This is one of the most beautiful showcases I have seen in a good while. I love the amount of effort and detail put into it. The only little thing I have to say, is that the rocks look too smooth. It looks like an artificial mountain. I don’t know much about steam punk and have no idea if that’s how the rocks should be, but sharper, more disoriented rocks would look better in my opinion. I made a picture of what I found odd. Sorry if the text isn’t so great, writing with a mouse is hard.
I think that you have produced an amazing-looking build. Personally, I am a great fan of steampunk and instantly, when I saw your thread title, I was drawn in. Top marks to you for what is a really gorgeous build. I think you have produced something that is mind-blowingly brilliant. Well done to you. You ought to be rightly proud of what you have achieved.
I love it, everything looks appealing to the eyes. The only thing that I would suggest is adding a variety of colours to the mountains or perhaps adding more detail to them especially the top of them like more bushes or buildings. Otherwise, keep up the great work, it looks amazing!