Looking for feedback on group logo

My first commission!
Need some feedback please


Looks good! I would recommend that you add a shape behind the text or in the very least give the text a border/outline. This would make the title stand out from the background.

Some examples of this include:





The head and the hair looks a bit off. Its like the hair is in front of the head, not on top of it. Also a border around text. Other than that it looks good!


Work on lighting, add outline like rorydaboy said.

Maybe add some emojis.
Add some effects.

Btw did you learn from GFX Comet?

If you did that is pretty nice I could see the same style as GFX Comet so I am pretty sure you learned from GFX Comet keep watching videos and you will learn.

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doesn’t look great. the text font is ok but can be better, the hunter thing looks weird on there, and the person lighting doesnt fit background or anything lighting. the posing isnt appealingScreen Shot 2021-07-22 at 2.49.58 PM Screen Shot 2021-07-22 at 2.50.03 PM , there are texture glitches,
and it would be better if you made it not look like he was standing on nothing (hide the feet).


First of all, the text isn’t centered. Secondly your watermark is a bit stretched out.

I also think the Luckiest Guy font is overused and you should try using something different (I’d recommend adding a drop shadow to your text too)


Allright, ill take those suggestions .

Ok, thank you. Will try it out

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It’s nice. You should probably try making your GFXs in blender. Also it looks kinda weird when the person is floating in the air. But keep it up mate.