Looking for feedback on main menu

Yo! I made a main menu for my upcoming game “brick set tycoon”
What do you think about it?

I think the play button needs some work.


Woah, unique. I really like the block texture, colors and uneven letter placement
you added for the title, grabs some of my attention lol.
Like you said you’re going to fix the play button. Just make it stand out a little more
because I did mistake it for the title, and blends into the ground.

Great Job :+1:


I was thinking about adding a cloud behind the play button to make it stand out more

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That looks really good!, I think the logo should be aligned a bit better to the play button. While I’m talking about the play button, I recommend you do what @h_pup has said and add a cloud behind the button, I would also add some sort of hover animation.


Does this look better for the play button?


I also made this icon for the game…

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Yes, that does look a lot better.

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I still think the cloud looks a bit low res up against the text

I would like to add more contrast to it so it’s easier to read, but I’m not sure how I should do it. Maybe a black outline?

Here is an example of a cloud;

I think the hard part is just getting the different scales to look good together

This main menu looks good! Add a background to the “PLAY” button though, since it doesn’t really look like you can click it.

@mek, @h_pup is the guy who made this post lol. :joy:

This Main Menu is REALLY NICE!!! Great Job with the Texturing of the bricks! :grin::+1:

Is this game going to be in the Old Roblox Style, or a Lego style? :upside_down_face:

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Yeah I only noticed that after I sent message, I was just too lazy to edit it LOL.

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