Looking for feedback on my adventure story game, Adventure World

Hi Everyone, I would like some feedback on how the game plays and find any bugs :happy3:

There are some things, that I still need to do, such as

  • Make the Main Menu Screen Good, and Fix some GUI Screen. :left_speech_bubble:
  • Finish Chapter 4-5. :evergreen_tree:
  • Fix any unknown bugs. :bug:
  • Make the Chapter 1-5 good. :+1:
  • And Add The leaked Updates. I Made Meme Video Thing, That Shows What Will Be the Update on my game. (Link: Meteorite Meme (My First meme Animation) - YouTube) :boom:

I Hope You Like it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If there is a People Know How to Code and Fix this Teleporter Thing, Because if you Touch the Red portal on my game, it crashes, please help me on that too, thanks. :grin:

Game Link:


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Very fun adventure - with lots of different places to visit, very fun exploring. Quite a few bugs, seems you know about the portals crashing client bug at the end. theres also several holes in the secret cat cave… Just lots of little bugs and stuff to fix. But very cool overall graphics are nice and unique! Defiantly worth continuing! Probably want a better looking pic for the game tho

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Thank you so much for your feedback @PotatoVampire7797 :blush:, and yeah there are some bugs I need to fix :bug:, and have a nice day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Cool keep it going dude… the only thing you need to make a good game is to never give up :smiley:

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Thank you for the tip, and I will never give up! :happy2:

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