Looking for feedback on my First UI


I was wondering if I could improve on anything, in case you are wondering the border coloring represents the rarity of the items. The boxes inside of the character show what has been equipped and etc. I was wondering if there was anything I could do or color change something like that.


maybe shift the character in the viewportframe a bit to the right, because the boxes are distracting and blocking the player


Looks pretty good, although I feel like the money icon should be made bigger and put in a different place. I also don’t see the need of the ‘0/10’ part. Theres also just a lot of empty space in it altogether, so you may want to possibly make it a bit shorter. Other than that, great job, and keep up the good work. :tophat:


The 0/10 represents how much of your bag is filled, the empty space on the left side I plan to add more stats and as for the money icon I will increase the size. Thanks

I wouldn’t use border pixel, I think it looks better with grey rather than the thin black line on it.

Looks great, but you need to move the boxes that are blocking the player a little bit to the left. Other than that I love the simple color scheme, the font you chose for all of this was a great font choice, and the overall design is amazing. Keep up the great work!

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Maybe scale the character viewport up a bit to allow space for padding between the equipment slots? Otherwise really good I think

I really like it, but I think you should fill the space at the bottom of the character’s stats.

Why not figure out a way to simplify the rarity for your game why not try a filter for the rarity or just put it under the item so players would know along with the color would know anyway your work seems pretty amazing :smiley: