Hi, I jumped into game development a long time ago, but I have yet to be successful. My projects all ended up being nothing more than mere prototypes with minimal gameplay and assets. Having been a solo developer until just recently, I decided to have my first released game be a simulator because of that genre’s simplicity. It was… quite a failure.
I started developing Blade Master Simulator in March and wanted to put it into alpha testing as fast as possible. After only about four weekends (didn’t work on it much during weekdays), I decided to run a test sponsor for it and on mobile because it was considerably less costly. However, the sponsor had what I believe could be the lowest CTR possible, with only 0.07% CTR. Yes, 0.07%. This led me to not work on it any further as the astonishingly low click rate hit me hard. But now, one month and a half later, the game has taken back my interest. Instead of throwing away the entire game, I could still do things with it.
This is why I would like to ask your opinion on the game and what could be done to improve it. This could be on the general concept, on the game icon and thumbnail, or on the game itself. Please keep in mind that this game was rushed and that everything was done by my brother (who doesn’t spend much time in Studio. For someone who doesn’t practice, it’s impressive) and I. He did the assets and I did the rest (no robux to fund the developing ).
Thanks for taking your time, I look forward to hear your feedback
This game looks very exciting and definitely has a lot of potential. One thing to add might be potions, armor, or other items that potentially be used to monetize the game, or reward players once they reach certain levels. Also, maybe add a tutorial in order to explain the goals and background for the game.
The game is very well done like how, you took your time to make this very cool game. Just like Awesome said it would be good to add armor, and maybe you make more details in the first map. Plus i would like when you kill the thief you can get a level up on the game, hope to see more from you and the final game.
Thanks for your feedback! Right now the game only has the core gameplay and I agree that adding armor could make it feel more complete. The problem is that having armor made of parts (don’t know how to create meshes) wouldn’t work with the various body parts that the players could have equipped. But, potions seem like a very good idea! I will definitely look into improving game clarity and map details.
No one asked yet so why is it [DISCONTINUED}?
Just wondered as I had seen the game in a search I did and didn’t try it because I thought it was not in use anymore.
It was written [DISCONTINUED] because I actually haven’t updated the game since its alpha release at the start of April (only updated the description since). I thought that the game would have no future because almost no one clicked on the sponsor, so I discontinued development on it.
Didn’t know that some people could find the game even though there’s no advertising nor sponsoring anymore .
I don’t think a CTR ratio resembles the game itself, rather the icon/thumbnail/name that the player sees before playing the game. This is why you should definitely not feel bad if the CTR doesn’t turn out very well, as that suggests improvement is needed on the marketing side of things, perhaps not the actual game itself.
Through sponsoring hundreds of thousands of robux on different games I have personally concluded that sponsoring just isn’t as good - maybe that’s an individual case but I would always stray towards advertising over sponsoring.
Overall, I would work on anything the player sees before playing the game - the thumbnails, icons and title. I personally don’t play games with the name “simulator” very often because they don’t usually take my interest, so consider if you could change the name at all (if not, that’s okay).