Looking for feedback on my game

so i’ve been working on this team based pvp game for a while and while most people who’ve played it have said it’s good, a lot of those people are also biased towards me anyways so im looking for more objective thoughts and feedback

game is here [beta] doom's war game - Roblox, note you likely wont be able to see the intended experience considering the game is a team game and is also dead but i want to try and make this game the best it can be before investing heavily into advertising it

(also i know it says beta but the only things i have left to add are anti-cheat and adding more kill effects/modifiers which doesn’t effect the game that much)

Very fun game!!! I don’t have any complaints good job on it.

How long did it take you to make it?

Do you have a team to help you create your games?

Good luck in your endeavors!

started making it 12/23/24 and made it playable in just a few days, it was a solo project
thansk for the feedback :slight_smile:

The game has good potential, love the idea, hope it gets you somewhere!