Looking for feedback on my GFX

Looking for people to give me advice, what I could do better on and etc.


Good gfx, I like the lighting, however it looks a bit stiff.

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Alright. Thanks for the feedback.

Lighting is not well positioned, I assume the light is pointing to the character while propagate through a window, try to add more lights or rotate the lights.

It seems way too dark especially for a window that size. I’d recommend making the “dark” areas brighter to resemble global illumination. I can’t really suggest on settings though since I don’t know if you’re using cycles or eevee.

Composition and posing could also use some work as @3k_rq, the character looks a tad stiff. You should also try making the composition slightly more interesting by either angling the camera into 3rds, facing straight on, or being slightly more tilted to the side.

However though, the overall scene for what it is for is nice imo and is done well with the details to include the bed and pillows. The idea overall is also interesting and just needs some tweaks to get it right.

Keep up the good work :+1:

Yeah. Kinda want it off angle tho, more realstic how the sun won’t always go straight at them. But it is kinda annoying.

Thanks for the feedback, I see what you said that about the darkest and I agree with it.