Looking for feedback on my GUI

rate my shop gui that i made for my game

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2/10… very basic no color scheme or anything just basic frames. Needs to be reworked.


This GUI looks good! It’s pretty basic, but it does its job! How long did it take to make? What game will it be used in?


Add roundify the plugin, and then it would surprise you(btw you added one on Owned?)


This game seems to be replicating the CLASSIC vibe of Roblox, so I get the blocky frames, it actually does it’s job. But if you want more complex pattern, use layout and color scheme as well as tweens to make the whole thing dynamic :pray:


UiCorner atually crying in the corner bc everyone remember the plugin instead of the official Roblox solution


I use the built-in UiCorner. Using a plugin for something already there seems unnecessary to me.


I don’t think it’s terrible; I’ve seen a lot worse. But in my opinion, there’s no style to it at all. Stylized UI can work really great for certain games!

Assuming you’re going for minimalism, something like this style wise would probably work better imo

If I were you, I’d get rid of the black outlines on everything, make the cellsize for the boxes in the scrollingframe bigger and make the owned/purchase button green. But overall, it’s not bad :slight_smile:

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It took me like 40 minutes to make the gui. I plan to use it in a humorous genre game like get hit by a car and etc.