Looking for feedback on my horror game icon

I whipped this up in procreate and was looking for feedback!

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I am looking for harsh feedback so I can edit and improve the likelihood of people playing this game.

Here it is without the filter

Which do you prefer?


The icon for the game seems very bland, and most likely won’t grab the attention of the user. It’s hard to interpret what the actual game is going to be about. :grimacing:

I would recommend:

  • Picking a less hazy background that relates more to your game.
  • Find a different font that’s eerie yet professional.

I hope you find what you were looking for, and I can’t wait to see the final product of your icon. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the feedback! I was trying to make a wall with motion blur, should I add a small room in the backround? Thanks for the advice :slight_smile: . I will post the final product when completed.

Adding a small room in the background could make it look better, however make sure to blur it.

Honestly, all I can say is just keep experimenting with different elements in your icon until you find the right one that you’re comfortable with and your player-base will like.

I personally liked the pic without filter cause it looks scarier compared with the filter pic and for horror, I feel that it is the best :smiley:

I’d suggest putting a roblox character into it as it’s kinda plain. :sweat_smile: