Looking for Feedback on My Map

I am currently working on a GTA-inspired experience and I need some feedback from the community. I have attached some photos of the map and would appreciate any suggestions on how I can improve it.

This is actually my first time making a map. and in my opinion I think the map needs trees, but if you think anything else looks odd please tell me!

Thank you in advance for your help and feedback.

Here are some photos of the map:


Looks good, there’s a lot of empty space tho, but the lights in the streets are very weird…

The lights on the streets don’t actually light up like that, ingame they are only on at night which is completely different

Okay, makes sense, other than that I suggest you feel those empty spaces, good job!

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Kinda interesting, however, first thing’s first if it’s possible to add bill-boards ontop of the buildings, as designs, secondly can you get a better photo of the street lights so we can see it a little bit better because it seems a little blurry, correct me if I’m wrong.

Thirdly for the last photo, near the bridge, in the left, there seems to be like a huge unused lot, maybe make the warehouse bigger, with the warehouse’s loading area or parking lot roads to have yellow road paint as well as probably a sign. Also in the third picture, for the white plain billboard signs, (the smaller ones) add light unto them at night as well.

Good idea, I’ll definately add billboards to buildings. the last photo is actually far from finished im planning on finishing the military base there.

By the way this is what it looks ingame: (Ignore the balls those are just for pathfinding)

I really like the map, and I think it’s a pretty good map as a first map. I really like the bridge too. But, I think the water looks kinda weird, there’s some water breaking happening here I think:


Also, why is the building tilted? I think it would look a lot better if it was straight, or slightly tilted instead of so harshly tilted. Overall, nice job! It will improve over time.

Very interesting indeed, however I do have a comment regarding the roads, can you make them a little bit more curving? In the view from above, it looks like the roads are a little crooked when it came to the yellow paint, otherwise is this just the model itself?

Maybe try making them look a little curvy.

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It’s tilted because it’s inspired by this building:

Edit: fixed water

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They actually are curved

Edit: the terrain was actually overlapping some of the roads :man_facepalming: I will fix that now lol

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It’s the Tower of Pisa, it’s normal taht it is like taht

Made a script so some buildings also light up at night!

I think I’m going to change CGA Brown to New yellow, looks kind of odd imo


It looks pretty nice but the skybox and the fog makes it look a bit depressing, maybe make another one that brightens up the game a bit.

I think he’s going for that style, I’m not sure tho

Well since it’s gta, GTA 4 sometimes had that type of lighting so maybe he might not change it : P

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I only played GTA V sadly, which isn’t as good as the old ones as the Gameplay is almost only online, but I think that a depressing style is actually good, I don’t know why but I like it

That’s why I was thinking I saw this building somewhere… But I still don’t know why it kinda looks weird in my eyes. I think you can give it some more space like the real reference image. It has a road really near it, you can give some space in there, so it stays in the grass with space.


Yeah the style is more like NYC GTA 4 cloudy and dark and theres -0.4 color correction

possibly because of the terrain under it…?

Just noticed that when you showed it to me. It was dark, so I couldn’t see that maybe. But I think it’s making the building a bit weird. The terrain is flat in the reference image, so I think you should make your terrain flat too. But you can try experimenting and get a finalized map.