*Hi, I’ve been learning the basics of Lua and have put together a simple military simulation game getting scripts that fit roughly what I am trying to create and adapting them hoping to learn what I can.
Could some of you please take a look around the game and see any major mistakes I have made in putting this together. I am not finished in designing the game and lots more ideas to implement and a good few things left to fix up but just looking for advice on what i have done and what i could do to improve so far.
The aim of the game is to create a somewhat military group who come together and play on larger maps that have not yet been added, but also there are mini games that earn in game currency to enable the purchase of better weapons.
My aim is to create bigger maps (places within the same game) where players can fight as a team in simulations such as Iraq or Northern Ireland.
Hopefully its not a complete waste of my time but even if it is, hopefully I have learnt something along the way.
I have used free models but all have been virus checked before being added to the game.