Looking for feedback on my new game

Hi, I’m currently working on a new game: CASHOUT
Before playing, I recommend reading the description first on how to play.

It’s a team-based combat game where both teams compete against one another as they try to make the most cash before the timer runs out. Although it’s meant to be played with more than one player, the game is in testing so you can try some things out yourself.

I want feedback on the game’s overall concept, in-game combat, map design, movement, FX, UI, etc.

The game is in development. Everything is subject to change, so if you have any ideas on what should be added or changed please suggest them. If you find any bugs, please report them.
Any feedback is genuinely appreciated. Thanks.


Very nice game! I have encountered very few bugs although there may be a bit to much lag otherwise very nice game!

By lag, do you mean in terms of server lag/bad ping?

Not too bad reminds me of the finals

Yes I meant by server lag but not enough that you should change I am just putting it out there.