That looks absolutely astounding! The skyscraper itself is extremely high quality and very well built, and I think it looks absolutely amazing. It reminds me of something out of a metropolis city and looks great. Keep up your amazing work!
Thank you, this is my first time doing any big building in studio, I’ve usually kept to scripting but I figured I’d try something new!
Of course; happy to help out! Also, did you just say first time??
That is INSANE for your first time doing a big build! This deserves a lot of praise. Great job!
Yes, I’ve done a bit of building here and their but this is my first major project, there were some other smaller buildings in the background, but this was the first big one! I am building a small city center, and this was my first major building for it.
Well, you have done an absolutely amazing job on all of them. Keep up the great work! This looks amazing.
Wow, amazing! How do you get your glass to reflect like that?
You create a part, set its material to glass and make its reflectivity 1