My ideas that tend to get quite popular is making a cafe group and hire people as workers! Build nice cafes that are nice and big and will attract attention!
Idea 2: these might be quite difficult to make if your not very good at scripting, and you should probably have a group but this idea is a RP game for instance try create some police cars and use scripts to create jobs, if this is to difficult then idea 3 will be easier!
This is for the early stage of scripting, search up scripts that you can use for a admin panel! (Requires the HD admin plugin or khols admin panel) and learn the early stages of admin panels such as who gets better ranks, how you can have people with headadmin and if possible, try to use a script if you can find one that automatically demotes them or create a report panel where you can report abusers to the owner of the game if it’s easier for you!