Looking For General Thoughts On Upcoming Game

Hello all!

ImFarley, Co-Founder of UGLY PUG! with my good friend and all around cool guy Urbanize, the UGC creator.

We’ve been working on a game for a few months now called “Store Tycoon.” It’s a sandbox tycoon, meaning it’s closer to something like Miner’s Haven than it is to the old tycoon games.

Currently the game is in Beta as we finish adding some features we want to get in and fix bugs as they develop. Our goal is to go live within the next month or so.

As with all games I’ve worked on in the past, it can be a little nerve-racking. I’m basically just hoping to get some feedback from any other developers on what they think about the game so far, what’d they change, what they like, etc.

Please note that currently the game is paid access 25 robux just for the beta as we want to limit the player count until we’re ready to fully launch. If that’s a turn-off for you, by all means don’t feel obligated to play. If you’ve got 25 robux sitting around and would be willing to check out a new game, then please do!

Edit: Forgot the link! Big brain time: Store Tycoon! - Roblox

Thanks :slight_smile:

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I think you should include some footage of the gameplay in this topic (pictures, gif’s,videos) so we can give you feedback, i don’t want to sound rude but not everyone is willing to pay 25 robux to just test the game (plus you didn’t give us the link of the game).


Firstly thank you for telling me about the link. That’s… kind of important lol.

I could include pictures of the game but to be completely honest with you I don’t think that would lead to productive conversation about the design of the game. It either looks nice or it doesn’t, and I’m pretty confident it looks nice thanks to Urbanize’s building skills.

I understand that many people don’t have 25 robux, and that’s okay. I’m mostly looking for comments on the actual gameplay loop moreso than just the builds and what not.

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