Looking for Gfx designer (closed)

Job Recruitment Template

About Us

Hi there! We are Sk (Sword killers), a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for a gfx designer who are willing to make our teams icon/thumbnail for our game.

The Team
@MrZackxs - Owner
@CoolShank8 - Scripter
@Zzaotic - Builder

About The Job

We are looking for a Decent to good gfx designer to join our team as our gfx desginer. We expect decent to good designs.

Contact Us

MansGotAName#6871 for the details


Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

I am interested in applying. I’ll send you a message providing my work.

Okay, Add me on discord MansGotAName#6871

My discord account has to be disabled for now and I am not wanting to make an alt at the moment, sorry if this is an inconvenience. I have messaged you on DevForum instead, hope you understand.

Would you like to add me on roblox so we can talk in private

Sure, but I cannot provide examples. You should see a green dot on the top right of your screen, that’s the message I have sent you.

indeed i have already seen them

You need a logo designer?

Hi! I’m recommending a friend of mine.
Here’s his discord: explain#5006

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