Looking for GFX designer for anime styled assets!

About The Job

Looking for a GFX designer to make a thumbnail, game icon, and a few icons for the attacks in my game, Ninja Parallel Works. It’s a ninja styled game(obviously lol).

As you can see on this image, there are 3 icons on the player’s hotbar. The designer must know how to make assets like these.


  1. Some 3d modelling knowledge would help greatly, at least the ability to modify assets provided in blender.
  2. You must have experience in creating assets for anime styled games.
  3. An art tablet would also help. You should be able to draw an anime styled face on a character in post.
  4. You must be 13 years or older to apply.


We are paying USD/R$(preferably R$) on an asset by asset basis. The specific amount can be agreed upon in DMs.

Contact Us

Add me on Discord at skywild#0679.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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