Looking for GFX Designer, UI Designer, Builder, Modeler

About Us

Hi there! We are Bowling Bakery, one of the biggest upcoming Bakeries. Bowling Bakery looks forward to become one of the biggest bakeries, with the best staff & organization ever!

The Team
@thiscouldbeyou - Environment Design
@Sythivo - Scripter
@thiscouldbeyou - UI
@thiscouldbeyou - Modeler

About The Job

We are looking for a good GFX Designer that can make for us all the GFXs needed.
We are also looking for an UI Designer that can design UIs for us.
We are also looking for a Builder that can build our estabilishments.
We are also looking for a Modeler that can model for us our menĂą.

[details=“Example of our game’s build style”]


We are paying with the group percentage or robux. Percentage gives you an higher chance of getting accepted.

Contact Us

You can contact us on Discord at Johnn#1010.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Hello I’m interested, what would u need for the UI Design? Also I can script all the UI stuff too!

whats the payment for robux?

I’m interested, I’ll leave you my portfolio Lasdark17 | Artist ,logo designer, 2D,designer miniatures GFX| Portfolios

Hi, ım interested.Im a GFX Artist. You can check my portfolio GFX Artist For Hire - FireAtacck [CLOSED] add me on discord : FireAtacck#7601

Do the GUI’s have to be scripted? I’m decent at scripting but not the best.

Hello! I do UI. I am very interested, but what is the payment for the robux option?

This is my GFX Portfolio


I can do the GFX job. kirsa#4444, I’ll speak to you soon! :slight_smile:

Also, your tag doesn’t seem to be working.

I’ve sent a request, my tag is abby#0043

This topic is poorly written, here are some examples of the poor writing:

Really vague, we all know that GFX Designers make GFX, that UI Designers make GUIs, so please, tell us what we will be doing, not what we do.

So basically you should only want percentage, not robux? Everybody, if you want robux, go away.


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