Looking for good Fonts

I’m currently looking for some good fonts to create logos with. It could be cartoony or another style, I just need some. Provide a link and/or the name of the font below, It’ll help ALOT!

Thanks! <3

Hey there! I would recommend looking for a font on the 1001 Fonts website, they have a variety of different fonts which include cartoony, horror and many more!


cooltext.com has some good texts for logos!


dafont.com is also great, just make sure to sort by 100% free or public domain fonts.


dafont.com is also a great resource for this, but remember that not every font on that site or the ones listed above are free, so make sure that the fonts you choose are 100% free for commercial use. Some of them are donation-based where you can pay $20 (sometimes any amount of money you’d like) to properly license them for your game.


Thanks for all the help guys! I have found a bunch of amazing fonts.


I’d like to mention a certain font called Brady Bunch. You can find it on https://www.1001freefonts.com, and I’m pretty sure it’s free for commercial use. (You should check just in case I’m wrong though.) Here is a photo with the font so you can see it.

By the way, it does not usually have the black underneath it, to do that just copy the text and place it slightly under the original.

I hope you like the font. :slight_smile:

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