Looking for graphic designer to edit ROBLOX textures

I’m looking to split ROBLOX textures into multiple layers by color to ultimately create whitescale images of them like so:

The reason? I’m working on something not so different from a hack week project involving user customization of color on their accessories and packages. For example:

(left: default color; right: custom color)

Those are the exact same meshes using the exact same textures. The only difference is that I’ve edited the Color3 of each texture. The problem? I’m not the best with graphic design. I was able to split up the textures, but the result looks like something out of Paint – nothing great. I’d like for the finished product to look professional so it looks appealing to ROBLOX, rather than them being put off by bad textures even though the concept is great.

I have 7 textures <1>,<2>,<3>,<4>,<5>,<6>,<7> that I’d like taken apart in this manner. I’m afraid I have nothing to offer in return, so contributing to this feature demo would be volunteer work essentially. Preferably the final products should be as indistinguishable from the real textures as possible, but anything better than what I have now is an improvement. The textures should be split into at most 10 colors, and attached as a PDN file or multiple PNGs for each layer. You could do one texture, or all, but any help offered is appreciated. We can work privately, or you can use this topic as a discussion board – either is fine.

My hope is that if this goes well, we’ll be able to convince ROBLOX to allow us color control over our accessories and packages.

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This definitely seems like an interesting project. I honestly think it tackles one of the main issues with packages right now, which is that they’re not very customizable, rather, they’re a very predefined look.

Sadly I don’t own Photoshop right now so I can’t help you even if I wanted to (and really, I don’t want to pirate it) but some advice (or rather personal opinion) that I can give is that the darker areas on your whiteout textures should be even darker to create more contrast. This should resolve the somewhat flat appearance.
In practice, the amount of contrast between light and dark tones should change relative to the brightness of what you’re working with. So if you’ve got a dark colour then there shouldn’t be much contrast between tones, while with a bright colour there should be a larger difference. If you’re using Color3 to do this then I’m thinking that this would change dynamically anyway so you would only need to adjust it asssuming the base colour is white. Hence why I think you need to make the difference larger as on your example it looks a bit flat already with white.

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I think I bleached out a lot of the detail when I ramped up the brightness, and I didn’t adjust the contrast with it as well, so yeah – that was likely the cause. The biggest problem is probably how blurry the textures are. It’s pretty difficult to separate the texture into pieces without leaving jagged edges.

I’m not promising I will be able to help much if at all, but when I’ve at least had some sleep I’ll check creative cloud to see if I’ve got an unused trial period for Photoshop as there is a possibility of that, having used trials on so many different devices/accounts I can’t remember on which devices I’m eligible anymore.

If I do, then I’ll at least have a crack at my own rendition of the Bounty Hunter package. I’ve got quite a few years of experience with the Adobe suite so I may or may not be helpful. While I do have experience with the software my knowledge of working with texture assets is a little more limited, I tried my hand at painting my own retextures some years back though, with less experience and using a free software that’s not nearly as good for this sort of thing

Apologies for the music choices, this was done by me 5 years ago …heck I think this was made before Imagine Dragons were even known by anyone…I suggest you just mute the video for your own convenience.

[details=Also]Gotta love that 32 bit colour, here ya go:


Naturally this wouldn’t involve much painting, I fully understand what you’re asking for here and how I’d go about doing it just to be clear…but whether I’d be any good at it is what I’m questioning.
Anyway I also feel the need to add that I have no experience with scripting whatsoever, knowing you’ve probably already got the scripts done up, am I going to need any scripting experience of my own to implement my hypothetical textures?

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Nope! Once the texture is split into layers by color and then (whitescaled?), the art job is done and I can add them to the demo as-is.

Yeah, if you’re not able, don’t sweat it :P Your goodwill alone is more than generous enough.

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