Looking for HQ Clothing Designers!

About The Job!

Hey! My name is Keaton and I’m seeking out clothing designers, specifically to create a few outfits for an upcoming group! I’m looking for various designers with different styles and aesthetics, but more casual wear, no uniforms or unrealistic clothing. I am however looking for some high quality clothing and hope to find some great people that I can work with far into the future!

I’m looking for around 40 - 50 outfits in total, with each designer doing 3 - 10!


We are paying 100-300ish R$ or 2 - 4 USD per asset. Our preferred payment method is USD. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created.

Contact Us

You can contact me at any of the following if you’re interested or have any questions!

Discord - keaton#5388
Twitter - @kea1on
Email - kea1onrblx@gmail.com

Thanks for taking a moment to read! Have a great day! :smile:

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