Looking for logo feedback

It’s been a long time lol but anyways I’m back with a new logo I made for practice yeah

This time I added a 3D effect in my logo.

Don’t mind the background lol

It was supposed to be 512x512 But I messed up

Fun fact: This is my first time using 3D effect
(this took me a whole day ._.)

Feedbacks are appreciated!


Looks sweet, but the starts look trippy on the eyes, it looks like the 1’st and 5’th stars are infront of the 2nd and 4th star, I think you should make it a slope going ouwards and the inside.

A bit like this:

\ /
\ /
\ /


The composition and colors are fitting and look really appealing, but I agree with @Cookie_DevX on the stars.

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You Can Add Background but in all its nice