Looking for map builder for 1,400 robux

Hello! I am looking for a map builder for my games that I have in mind that will be a railroad game. It will be for a group I am making but I will do that when it is finished.

About the map:

It will be a railroad game based off of a place in California called Big Trees or something like that.


I will pay you through a shirt if you have like a group or something like that I will be paying 1,400 robux for a nicely detailed map.

Note: I will supply you with the images from google earth if you cannot find good photos. I am also looking for people who are experienced in map building.

Good luck! Remember to show pictures of your builds.

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can you link the picture of the building referance please

1,400 robux is too little for a big detailed map. The normal amount for a detailed big map is around 20k - 120k robux.


The railroad isn’t that big it’s like half of a mile.

Right where it says roaring camp that where it usually starts.

Hey man I will do this if you raise the price to 2k but if you cant ill still do It

depending on the quality and scale needed i might be able to do it.

Can you send some pics of your builds?

Can you send some pics of your builds? The scale shouldn’t be that big

add me in discord ill send it there my discord is: HaloDev#9100

Alright, I sent you a request.

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