Looking for Modelers , Ui , vfx designers for our Team

About Us

Hi there! We are Unreal Studios, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for Modelers, Ui , vfx Designers who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, Big Game!

We are an active team. That works daily and its been very fun developing the game. It is about 40% done.

About The Job

We are looking for Modelers that can make swords, bosses , armours and what is needed.
Also Ui and vfx designers who can help us in creating the game…
For Ui designers things like abilities , gamepasses and pvp arena etc. are needed to be made.
For vfx we need mainly abilitys for bosses. and weapons.
The style of our game is Medieval Style.


We can pay you a percentage of our games total income that will be distributed through the group.
Payment can be discussed. and negotiated.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at : Smitzy#0434
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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