Looking for multiple short term programmers

Hey programmers! Are you interested in becoming a short term programmer for our next game? Here is the list of what we need

(Must be done first) Characters: Available (100 Robux) - Pending
(Must be done second) Choose Karts: Available (100 Robux)
Item Distribution: Available (50 Robux)
Item Functioning: Available (50 Robux)
Racing (Must be done last): Available (300 Robux)

Interested? Please let me know at these places:

Here on the DevForum
@WilliamEmporium on Twitter
@BloxyKart on Twitter
@HaidenTB on Twitter
@TeamBloxyKart on Twitter
Roblox Messages : @WEcompany
This group: WilliGames - Roblox

Does anyone want to work for us short term? We are not accepting long term anymore.

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