Looking for ranks in my rebranded group

Hello everyone, I am looking for people to take the “jobs” in my group that I recently rebranded as a whole. As of right now I am struggling to find the funds to make the replacement group, hopefully I can get that soon but for now I have a discord server doing me well. Please let me know if you’re willing to take a “job” in my group.

**Ranks needed:**
- Board of Administration (2 members so far)
- Creative Directors
- Concept Artists
- Builders (2 already)
- Modelers (1 already)
- GFX artists
- Programmers
- UI designers
- Writer (Lore Writer)
- Moderation Team (3 already)
- Testers

Contact Info:
User - lev#1601
Invite - bzNwFd4yVv

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