Looking For Scripter

About Us

Hi there! I am mads718m, and I’m looking for a scripter to script a entire game

The Team
@me- owner/builder
@couldbeyou- Scripter

About The Job

I am looking for a scripter who will script a entire game the game is called magnet simulator 2.0 you might already get the idea from the name but I want to make a game when you collect something I have not figured out what you collect. and you will be able to rebirth as normal but when you get a certain amount of rebirths you will be able to evolve and more but i will talk about that in the dm’s


as of right now I don’t have any robux but this game will make robux and you will have 50% of the games revenue

Contact Me

You can contact me on discord: mads718m#2429 if that does not work try jakey_fan2018#2429

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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