Looking for Scripter

About me!

Hiya there! My name is pie, well I go by it to say the least. I’ve been on this roblox platform for almost 7 years now, originally joining as a guest in 2014 till I created an account in 2015. I’ve always been interested in how people put these blocks together and create such amazing and complex builds. So back in 2017, I decided to give it out a try. From there on I’ve been building and creating little builds for the day I finally start my own project.

What’s the game about?

This game is about a monster, who’s seeking for players to kill in order to win. Though, the monster will also of disadvantages. The player’s will be able to collect these “tokens” that they’ll be able to use whenever they want to give them advantages or disadvantages to the monster. If the monster isn’t defeated after 120 seconds, and there’s still survivors. The survivors get victory.

About the Job

I need a scripter who is willing to not give up on this project. I’m taking this project as serious as possible, and being immature is not a way to get hired. To apply for this job, you have to be 13+

How will I pay you?

I’ll pay you in percentages up to 35%


For more information about this project, you can message me here on the devform or on discord @ pie#3333
Thank you for your time! :smile:

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