Looking for Scripters!


Never in my wildest dreams would I think of looking for collaborators on here! So here’s to hoping I can find a passionate programmer who loves telling stories through code.

Last year, I started a project called “Pokemon Stories” which was a fan game we put about 3 months into. Sadly we decided to take a step back for awhile. Now that many months have passed, my friend @CodeSponge and I are wanting to start up the project again in a new light. Since he’s currently in school and working, we would need a couple more scripters to help out on both sides of the planet.

Pokemon Stories is a game that tells an original story with unique maps and NPC dialog characters. Our motivation is to portray this story to players and get them attached to the adventure. We’ve completely re-worked the story and modeling to maintain the most originality possible while staying true to the Pokemon lore. We have also thoroughly read the terms and conditions as well as discussing the project with multiple respected administrators at roblox.

Our main scripter is CodeSponge who already has the core gameplay and algorithms established so we can dive head first into work. We’re looking for scripters who would first and foremost be trustworthy and kind. Your contribution to the project would be very important and we would have a list of work to knock out. We also are going to distribute a portion of the group funds in relation to the entire team upon group discussion. This is a long term project and the only finish date is the completion of the story. We are hoping to continue development starting this summer.

If you’re interested, PLEASE don’t hesitate to ask questions and show some of your awesome work! My twitter DM’s are always open and my email is business@kyleallenmusic.com if you would like to chat. If you love Pokemon let me know what your favorite is!

Lastly I’m sure this will get quite a bit of backlash for being Pokemon. I can tell you with a clear mind and months of thought that this is what we want to do. This post was only intended to look for a potential collaborator. If you have any concerns please feel free to private message me. Thank you.


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Woah I’d love to join, however I am in the middle of a couple of projects already.

What’s the rough workload for the scripter you are wanting?

P.S. I’m not European or American, I’m kiwi - does that exclude me?

What’s wrong with non American and European scripters yo?


Woah where’s kiwi?

Workload wouldn’t be as hard since all the “rip your hair out” stuff is already finished. It would mainly be helping out around the place! Off the top of my head I think mostly cutscenes, shops, gyms, etc.

HAHA let me change this real quick XD

Kiwis are from New Zealand :wink:

In that case, I’m for it. 1 of the 3 main projects I have will be ending soon, and the others are on their way to being pretty chill.

Awesome! I’d love to see your previous work! Hmu in the DM’s :smiley:

Do you have discord? My handle’s EmeraldSlash#9138

Kyle Allen Music#9660

:robot: Bleeper Beep. Just like to pop in and say it’s really nice to see you more active here :slight_smile:. Blap Bloop :robot:

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Haha thanks!

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Would you be looking for sprite creators? Not that I could animate them…

Sadly we aren’t looking for sprite creators :frowning:

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