New Game Development Company
About Us
Hi there! We are a new game development group in the making, and are looking for a skilled team that will help make professional and creative games.
The Team
@Vorcets - Owner and builder
About The Job
I am looking to add various skilled developers to our team, which includes but is not limited to: Scripters, builders, UI design and advertisement/thumbnail GUI.
I am only looking for people who are very skilled, here is a little summary and requirements for our scripters:
- Ability to create custom sandbox tycoon style games, (like retail tycoon, miners haven, supermarket tycoon, etc).
- Ability to code reoccurring NPCs, that have animations, and code them to perform an action (for example, purchasing a drink or a food item)
- Ability to work with a team
- Ability to code a tutorial system
- Ability to code a pay system
- And much more
If you are looking to be hired as a different role, please DM me on discord for more information. If you are looking to be hired as a scripter, and can only perform one of the above responsibilities, please DM me, and I may hire you temporarily and pay you per asset.
The earlier our game can be completed the better, however I encourage you to not rush, as we want the finishing result to be stunning.
We will pay you in USD/Robux when the job is complete. All assets are different sizes and will pay you accordingly, all payouts can be negotiated. Our preferred payment method is Robux, but if you prefer USD, CAD, or Robux we can accommodate. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created.
Contact Us
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum, or on Discord for a quicker response (much more preferred.) Jacobb#6532
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thanks for your interest in applying. Upon DM’ing me, we can do an interview to see if your fit. Don’t worry about providing some of your work until I respond. Thanks.