Looking for some features to implant into my game

Hey guys, so I have an obby which is a work in progress, and my devs are a bit lost for things to add. So I’m searching for a couple a couple things that we could add.

Here is a list of the different biomes:

enchanted forest
toxic wasteland

As you can see here in the dessert it’s a bit plain with no challenge making it way to easy.

(feedback and ideas appreciated)

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There is nothing to compare sizes with a real player, like a dummy, so its a bit hard to say if things have to be bigger or small. But it looks good

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Thanks, do you know anything we could add to make it a bit harder?

Do you have a playable place, or just footage? I can’t really tell if there is something to change, looking at the player size compared to the map would help a lot

put all of your ideas in an random generator then let that generator decide