Looking for some feedback/advice on my Futuristic/Cyberpunk city

Hey all, attached are some screenshots of my city that I am building for a game I am creating. While I have direction on where I want to go with it, Any advice and/or feedback on the city so far would be great! There is a lot more to it and if you would like to see a screenshot on a specific part of the city I would be more then happy to. For reference, some of the cities that I have based my build on is (obviously) Night City from Cyberpunk 2077, Art by Marcel Deneuve, and Area 18 from Star Citizen.

Thank you for checking out my post!


okay so first of all it is a decent build ngl , but when it comes to Cyberpunk theme you are missing most of the night life aspects :

  1. The Dark night sky with huge pollution and higher light refractive index ( im assuming that you have switched it to day time for showing the details if not* then do change the timing to mid night )

  2. the main thing that the buildings mainly Cyberpunk type- ish buildings lack is the detail such as air vents , those hanging wire partially eroded/ broken buildings ( when it comes to yours it looks very clean do make adjustments )

3) most imp ( NEON Light ) take any night city for example the light and especially the neon signs/ light is the key aspect of the highlight


  1. a) do add blimps ( enhance the night sky , cause this is a kind of scenery there there is a lot of stuff going on at ones cannot keep the sky clean.
    b) and those night light beams

  2. dirty streets and irregular ( do include pot holes)

  3. neon billboards.

Have A Happy Deving,


Thank you so much for replying!

Ill most certainly try and add all of these details. Much appreciated!

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