Looking for some help getting back into developing after a few months away

Hey fellow developers I was wondering if anyone had a specific place for decent resources as i have gotten rusty after taking a break and am in dire need of refreshment, especially with all the changes

Welcome back! I suggest taking a look at the the dev hub, as it explains a lot of things.

And you could also use the dev forum, which is what you are currently using.

The developer sight seems like a great resource as for these forums they are great for specifics but i’m trying to get a good rundown of what I need to learn in order to get back to my coding.
Appreciate the feedback!

The youtuber Alvinblox, is currently making an scripting series, i suggest checking it out.


Instead of youtube you can look into Programming in Lua if you’re trying to get back into Lua. Otherwise if you’re looking for roblox API then there’s always the dev hub.

I suggest PeasPod / PeasFactory’s Beginner - Advanced series’. It may be a bit outdated but it really helps!

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The Roblox Developer Hub is a great place to start, you can find all you need to know on learning the Roblox Studio and engine. Additionally if you have any questions you can ask here on the Devforum!

I would suggest you to go to the Roblox Developer Hub, check out AlvinBlox on YouTube and probably look around in Community Tutorials and Community Resources and that’ll probably get you started.

Try to work on a big project and learn new things that you would need to know for the project.