Hello everyone! My name is Pix and I am the owner of Pixie’s Closet Pixie’s Closet - Roblox. I don’t want to hire a designer for my group at this time because, I am just starting and I don’t want to spend a ton of money/robux in my beginner stages of running a clothing group. I will be hiring designers later on, when my group gets bigger. For now, I make my own clothing, and sometimes buy clothing off of other people, and I was wondering if anyone had any good tips on how to make good designs! At the moment, I use Paint.Net. I also get all of my clothing ideas from Pinterest or I sometimes go onto different clothing websites such as, Hollister, Ralph Lauren, and other popular clothing stores/brands. I do add shading to most of my designs and I also try to add lots of detail. Some of my designs do not have shading and do not have a lot of detail, due to me not thinking they need it. If you have any tips, please leave them below.
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