Looking for some ways to improve my map

Hello, DevForum Members.
This is my first thread, so if I do anything wrong, or post something the wrong place, it would be greatly appreciated if you could give me some feedback in the replies! :slight_smile:

I’m looking for some insight into what I can do to improve this portion of my map.
As far as the theme, I’m going for something volcanic. I want to keep the build as simplistic as I can without adding too much detail.

I’ve tried adding dead trees, bones, and rocks (included in the screenshots) but I feel like it’s not enough. Let me know what you guys think.


Welcome to the DevForum!

Personally, I love how you keep it simplistic but adding the minor details -like you said the dead trees, bones, and rocks- makes it become more realistic without putting too much detail.

From what the screenshots show, (I might be wrong) it looks like you only added 1 dead tree, 1 bone, and a few rocks. I would add a few more rocks around the map and maybe place a bone sticking out of the side of a cliff. Other than just making a few slight copy and pastes, there is not much more I think you could add. (But Im only a UI designer lol)

Hope this helped.



Thank you for the feedback! In the top left of the fourth image, you can see another one. I’ll take your reply into consideration!

Hello there and welcome to Dev Forum.

First of all if you are using texture as the lava you can make it flow with the new texture offsets feature. You can try to duplicate the details you added (bones, rocks, trees etc.). There is nothing to say other than that.

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Additions to your current map should be some warning signs. Those boxes really indicate that there has been people around here.



The lava is flowing. I used a beam and attachments. Thanks for your welcoming!

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You’re right. Thanks for the feedback!

Hey, welcome to the DevForum!

Making lava fall from the ceiling will add an effect that the user is surrounded by lava. Adding bones is good, but adding bones of certain creatures is another thing. You can do bones like dinosaur which will make the place a lot older and make people know this volcanic place has been there for a long time. I recommend spike rocks hanging from the ceiling and simple cracks in the floor.

Overall, it’s looking great. Using the simple ideas can make it good. Adding vines would be good too. Keep up the good work!

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Great thinking, those ideas will definitely improve this build.
Thank you!

Welcome to the forum!
This build is amazing! Its incredibly detailed, it has a theme, sense, and direction. I don’t think its necessary for many improvements at all.

I have a few suggestions if your looking for more to build off of.

Add dead trees with a burning effect from the lava, this will add complexity and variety to your setting.

Add some black stone rocks for some contrast, otherwise it looks like lighting is very well done.

Add cracks into the terrain and walls to give it a more unstable feel.

But seriously impressive job, I can’t think of much improvements or modifications to your build. I’d love to see the game its for!

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Welcome to the Forum! This buils looks really well developed. I do have a suggestion for the sides of the build (walls). I think you should put some cracks in the walls for extra details. You could even use this on the ground as-well to show the detail. Good luck! :smiley:

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Your map looks absolutely amazing.

Maybe you could possibly add more trees, and maybe even a few dead bushes. You could also potentially add random strands of rope.

Overall your build is absolutely amazing, keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the DevForum!
The build you came up with. Looks really detailed and amazing like everything in the map such as the lava, rocks, boxes.

Here is a few ideas i got for your map to look more decent.


  • Add some dead broken trees with cracks, on the branches and branches on the ground.

  • Add some cracks in the rocks, and terrain part to look more decent instead of having normal rocks.

  • And some bones inside the rocks and on the ceiling part. To look more like the place has been there for a while! and implement different shapes, of rocks like black burned rocks in the lava area.

Overall, your build is looking really decent. You have done a incredibly job on it hope to see the final product soon!!

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Great suggestion, thank you! I appreciate it.

Awesome! Thank you for giving your input!

Will do! I think the rope adds a good touch. :smile:

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You’re absolutely correct. I think that the darker rocks will make the lava look more realistic!

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No problem! Keep up the good work. :smiley:

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I’ll try my best! :dark_sunglasses:

Out of curiosity, if this is for a game in development when will it be out?

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