Looking for someone to do a pet system

Hey everyone. Ok so as you might know Ive been trying to get my own pet incubator system. Now Iv’e gotten in contact with some people who can do it but when every I ask the price they void me… So I was wondering if anyone can follow the following requirements and list me a price that they would accept in USD and Robux. Please keep in mind you’ll only be payed in one or the other. I have the incubators made so yeah… Thanks from John…

  • Speed and jump perks I can easily set

  • Incubator system like in other Simulators

  • Tradable? Let me know how much this would cost to do

  • Equip max and be able to buy more slots equipped pet slots


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Can you describe “incubator system?”

I can help You with building a pet, if You want.

Thanks but I already have some pets made. Not really looking to pay anyone for something I can easily do. But thanks from John.

Like the one in bubble gum simulator.

I haven’t seen that game at all.

Here is a link to it try out the pet system.

In order to ensure you are structuring your post correctly and including relevant information, you should read this post and use it as a guideline.

This will allow you to create a more professional hiring thread which will be more effective in attracting the attention of capable developers.


You shouldn’t tell someone to play a game to figure out what you want them to do. It should be explained precisely and clearly in your main post.

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A pet system like that is complicated, mostly Vector3 or CFrames, BodyGyros , it is super complicated, I don’t think there is a way to simplify it or blend it up to make it silidified for more basic Developers, I still recommend to talk to your provider for the pets on how to set them up, you do need some basics of LUA memorized I am sure.

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It’s not that hard but it’s probably more work than op first thought.

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Ory I know you’ve done it in the past can you help me? Name a price if so.

Strong, I just recommend you learn LUA instead of wasting your time finding people to make Pet systems, there is so much to it including Pet Datastores ect.

Example of my Pet Simulator tutorial series

My series isn’t completely done, nor do I expect many to understand it as from what I’ve seen it’s mostly model sales. But my part4 will explain Pet Datastore , with values to DataStore.

I do recommend for you to do further research too, LUA is a language that can be complex, and or can be easy. It depend the effort you put into learning it, for example , you are American and speak English, and are learning how to speak Spanish, this is the same thing as code, at first you don’t understand it and later you do.

O_O Thanks you very much I looked so allot on the internet and didn’t find anything but your video helped allot! Thanks!

No problems man, I just want to save people time and money. :wink:

Thanks I now that I know how to do this I can finally put my plans for a working pet system into action.

Glad to hear that, I will be making a lot more adjustments to this system, this is pretty much Alpha for it. I will show PetDataStore next video and some basics coming from Pet Simulator and other games like Bubble Gum Simulator!

Ok for your help if you want I will sponsor your YT on my game maybe like a code called “KensizoYT” if you don’t mind. Also I’m looking for testers in the future if you want to test just lemme know. You will have to join a group tho but there is a tester rank.

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Yep, I can test you any game.



Sent me a message on ROBLOX!

Have a good day! :wave:


Sorry, not for hire.