Looking for someone to make a car chassis[$$$]

I’m just looking for someone who knows how to make a chassis so I can apply it to vehicles that my modeler made. All you need to do I make a suspensions chassis that can account for turning. You do not need to do any scripting(include some examples though so I can see how it works) as I will be handling that and combining it with other aspects of my vehicle system.

I suck at physics and math and tried to make my own chassis but I failed and I’m just going to pay someone to do it. Contact me here or on Discord: Aidan#5128 and I will have my boss pay you an undisclosed amount to get this done.

it sounds like you’re in the mafia lmao


He forgot to end the hit with a capiche?


Hey I’m his mafia boss and the undisclosed amount is now 25k so just wanted to update this thread

I have a vehicle system that is physics based. It is untested with a mass of players but I think it would be worth at least double what you’re stating when it is completed.

Here’s an update I just released on it:

If you like to stress test it with me, let me know.

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