Looking for someone to make and script some weapons

Short summary

Short summary for those with little time.

I’m willing to pay 1000 - 5000 robux to have some assets made. Scripted and modeled. 3 weapons in total, an AK-47, which fires every 1.5 seconds, doing 5 / 100 damage per hit. A pistol which fires every time they click, doing 15 / 100 damage per hit. A sword which swings each click if after 1.2 seconds.

In-detail Description

About us

We’re Ithurius Studios, needing some weapon assets. I’m looking for someone to make some assets.

Job Terms

  1. You must be able to model and texture them in a detailed fashion.
  2. You must accept that when done, you give it to us, however we may not be able to pay immediately due to COVID-19, but rest assured we will add it to our debt, and eventually pay you, as soon as possible
  3. When you get payed, the job will be disclosed, and no more payments (unless a dev with Ithurius Studios who’s been working for our games) will be made unless you take another recruitment offer from us.
  4. Must work as shown in short summary, AND I QUOTE:

An AK-47, which fires every 1.5 seconds, doing 5 / 100 damage per hit. A pistol which fires every time they click, doing 15 / 100 damage per hit. A sword which swings each click if after 1.2 seconds.


We are willing to pay 1000 - 5000 :robux_gold: (or under), But won’t be able to pay until COVID-19 is over, but you will be paid under our garuntee. Whether in debt or not.

Thanks for reading this and have a good day :slight_smile:

Are you already in a considerable amount of debt? I would recommend offering percentage or something else instead of promising you’ll pay “under your guarantee” once the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

we have like a max of 2500 debt, there’s a job on the forums I found, and I could be out of debt and pay immediately.

More specifically, debt in robux. 2 others are making assets and I can’t pay them until things are sorted.

You should focus on getting out of it bro!

Best of luck

Modeled? Like made?
30 characters

Indeed. 30CHARacters30CHARACTERS

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