Looking for someone to model a Cash Register and a plant. (CLOSED)

About The Job

We are looking for a professional builder to join our team and help us model a modern cash register used for a Juice Bar, and a modern simple plant.

Our game needs these assets right when we hire you.


We are paying 100-200 Robux depending on how well it’s modeled.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord @ ven hates the CEOS#4323

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Hey would you like to hire me as a GUI Designer?

This topic was for a modeler. Not a GUI designer.
Please don’t ask if I need one, considering I have seen you spam many topics asking if you need one.
You asked on my last topic.


The discord name does not work

Doesnt Roblox have one in the toolbox already? It even works and contains scripts.

Free model.
I’m trying to have customs and not have free…

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