We are looking for a Scripter to create a clothing GUI
The clothing GUI must have the following features
Rank based clothing, only members of certain groups and certain ranks can use them
Must include the clothing and accessories I provide
Must have a section for each thing, one section for clothing, one section for accessories etc
The accessories must place on their head
We are paying a percentage since I don’t have much robux left to spend on extras. I can give 5-10 percent depending on workload (upper 5%) I can also provide a small robux Payment after completion. Around 500 via t shirt.
Hi, regarding the 30 assets what exactly do you mean by that? Like are you looking for mesh hats, small builds, scripts, clothing etc? And is that part of the job or a separate one? I think you should specify in your post what the assets are exactly and if that is part of the programmers job to create them for the full pay.
Sorry. That was leftover from the Template lpl. I’ll fix that
Also. I provide the assets but the Scripter must make them wearable and apply them to the users avatar via gui button that only works for certain ranks