Looking for Testers on Fighting Game [CLOSED]

Hello there!
Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on a fighting game and I’d like to get some feedback on it, as well as look for bugs. I have a very small testing community already, however we’re all in different time zones and it’s just some friends who aren’t doing it in a professional capacity.

I can pay a little bit, I currently have 1,700 in my account that I can split between all the testers. I can buy a bit more, but I have to save most of my money for ads.

If you’re interested, message me on the devforums, Roblox messages, or via Discord (suop#6295). I’ll send over the game link and negotiate pay. The game is fairly lackluster at the moment, but I’d still like feedback on the combat itself.

Thank you for your time,

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