The Group
Hi there! We are the Roblox Streaming Service (RSS) and we are a group of developers looking to create an alternate method of entertainment on roblox, We are looking for your feedback on our platform, more below
About Us
Hi there! We are the Roblox Streaming Service (RSS) and we are looking for some feedback on our platform’s current state. We do not yet have a film or series yet to show however one is in development. we currently only have the home UI however it currently does what we are aiming to achieve with our home page, we are after ways of improving the User Experience so please let us know!
The Job
The Job, We are looking for some testers to try out the ease of use on our platform, check the colour scheme and how nice the platform feels. We are doing this for general public opinion so there won’t be a payment. we may take someone on as a full time tester for feedback on films.series, plots etc at that point there will be payment.
The Game: Roblox Streaming Service - Roblox
Contact Us!: Discord